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Batch 85

Modern Slavery


Dawn Farms / TMI Foods is firmly committed to tackling slavery and human trafficking and fully understands the risks associated with modern slavery. We as a business are committed to continuously review our policies, procedures and practices and ensure that appropriate steps are taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

About Us

Based in the Republic of Ireland, Dawn Farms is a specialist business-to-business company which has firmly established itself as the leading European supplier of cooked and fermented meat ingredients to the foodservice and manufacturing sectors. The Dawn Farms group of companies include two state-of-the-art production facilities in Ireland and one in the UK.

In the UK, our specialist bacon facility, TMI Foods, produces cooked bacon, roasted vegetables, and protein- based party and snack foods including pigs-in-blankets. TMI Foods is a fully accredited supplier to UK and European retailers and to global food brands.

Policies On Slavery & Human Trafficking

Dawn Farms / TMI Foods are firmly committed to tackling slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain. We review all our policies and procedures to ensure that we are adhering to legislation surrounding modern slavery and ethical trading and other employment legislation. Our policies and procedures are implemented and followed by all staff to ensure we are acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships.

The company recognises that a balanced and committed approach to all aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) will bring benefits to each of the Company stakeholders and strengthen its business position and credentials to facilitate sustainable growth.

Due Diligence Process

As part of ensuring that we as a business are adhering to ethical standards and in order to identify and mitigate any risk, we conduct internal audits and are also audited via external third parties. The business is an AB member of SEDEX and are required to undergo a SEDEX members Ethical Trade audits every other year, results of which are visible to our linked customers.

Dawn Farms sustainable sourcing objectives, as set out within our Sustainability Charter, which outlines our commitment to manage our purchasing activities in an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner.

In the UK (TMI Foods), we use an agency to supply a percentage of our workforce.
The agency is audited every 6 months against our own standard and to ensure that they are compliant with ETI Base Code and Modern Slavery Act requirements.
Only agencies that are GLA Accredited are used for supplying labour.

Slavery And Human Trafficking Awareness Programme

Dawn Farms / TMI Foods has relevant policies and procedures in place which allow employees to raise any concerns they may have confidentially. Employees are provided with a copy of the policy (within the Employee Handbook) and the policy is available from the HR Department.

This statement is provided in compliance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the company’s approach to slavery and human trafficking for the financial year ending 31st March 2024.